
Monday, December 7, 2009

How to make a messageboard siggy

For those of you who have been asking how to make a siggy for the messageboard I’ve typed up some directions. I hope this helps, but if it doesn’t or if you need additional help.. I’m glad to help.

First of all, you need an image. You can make one yourself or find a clipart or a photo or whatever you want to use.

Secondly, you need to upload that photo to a photo hosting website (I use photobucket, but any site will work). In the photobucket site resize your photo to med or small (I use 300 x 300 pixels – you can put those numbers in your resize box if you want or use the preset sizes and change it to med or small depending on how big you want it. Save your photo in photobucket.

Now the next step is based on whether or not you want the siggy/image to be a link to something (when you click on mine it takes you to my blog) or do you just want an image as a signature (nothing happens when you click on it).

If you want a linked image copy and paste the code below into your profile signature box… don’t worry I’m going to walk you through changing it. This is the code to my siggy for illustration purposes.


If you just want a siggy that is not linked copy and paste this info



Once you’ve copied and pasted it change the text in blue (if you're doing a linked siggy) to your blog (or whever you want you siggy to link to).

Now you need to go to your photobucket file and copy the Direct Link code that photobucket gives you, now go back to you messageboard profile signature box and highlight the text in red, right click and paste… that will put your photobucket direct link info in place of mine. Click Apply. Voila.. you did it!

If you want to change your siggy (as I often do).. lol just upload a new picture to photobucket, copy your direct link and replace just that text that is in red again and you did it again, you changed it. Theat is the only part of the code that changes once you have it set up is the photobucket direct link code.

Make Sense???